Your pet could be the face of an exclusive beer at Fixed Gear as part of a fundraising contest with Veterinarians Without Borders
Your pet could be the face of a limited-release beer from Fixed Gear.
The photo contest, Animals and Ales, was launched by Veterinarians Without Borders this week in partnership with Fixed Gear and Luppolo Brewing in Vancouver.
Pet owners over the age of 19 from around Canada can submit their favorite high quality pet photos for the chance to be featured on the label of a limited-release beer at either brewery. One winner will be selected for each.
Winners will be determined by the number of votes they receive. It’s free to enter, but each vote costs $1, with all proceeds going to Veterinarians Without Borders, providing veterinary care and capacity-building agricultural training in northern Canada and 10 countries around the world, including war-torn Ukraine, South Sudan and Pakistan.
Brendan Roberts, director of operations at Fixed Gear Brewing said they were thrilled when VWB reached out to them to take part in the fundraiser.
“Our ethos has always been to create a welcoming atmosphere at our brewery for the whole family, pets included,” Roberts said in a press release.
“We have had the pleasure of hosting countless pets over the last five years, and now we are very excited to be able to produce a special release featuring someone’s best friend. We recognize the incredibly important work Veterinarians Without Borders does and are proud to be able to contribute to their mission,” he said.
Roberts noted the competition is not exclusive to dogs – you can submit any animal: a dog, a cat, an alpaca, “your brother,” he joked.
In the Guelph competition, so far an alpaca named Boris is in first place with 200 votes, followed by Jumbalaya the cat with 145 votes.
The contest runs until 7 pm on May 16. Fixed Gear’s fundraising goal is $5,000, though Roberts said they had already raised half that by the end of the first competition day.
Winners will receive a four pack of the beer, as well as a framed print of their custom label.
The next three places will also receive a custom set of coasters featuring the top four animals in their category.
You can learn more about the competition, vote or enter here.